

This page highlights important information for reading this document.

Errors, Misinformation, and Outdated Information

  • This document has been created and approved by the Director.

  • Over time, some information will become outdated and obsolete. When that happens, please contact ZlacticaStudios in the discord server, or create a ticket.

  • As well as outdated information, any errors or misinformation should also be reported in a ticket.

This document is the official guide, code of conduct, and documentation for all staff relations at Ontario Provincial Roleplay. This guide will cover pretty much anything you could want to know, however if you still have questions, please reach out to a member of the Directorate Team.

You are required to read this all. Even if you were a staff member at a different server, this server could be different.

Documentation Formatting

  • Roles and Ranks will appear highlighted (e.g., 'Directorate Team'

  • Links to other sections will appear as a link (e.g., 'Introduction')

  • Links to other sites or outside resources will appear as a hyperlink (e.g., 'Discord')

Last updated