Shift Code of Conduct
As a moderator or an administrator, you may only go on duty on the police team. This is due to the fact that all staff liveries are on the police team. Staff members have the flexibility to choose from multiple different vehicles, being the Falcon Prime Eques, the Bullhorn Prancer Pursuit (2015), the Falcon Interceptor Utility (2019), and the Falcon Interceptor Sedan (2017). At this point in time, we will not be accepting ideas for additional staff vehicles, however we may add more in the future if a revamp occurs.
As a staff member, you generally cannot use commands off-duty. However, you are allowed an exception: if you join the game and you are wanted or are in jail due to actions in a public server, you may run the commands :unwanted or :unjail on yourself, as long as you do not abuse this. You may not use any other commands off duty.
As a staff member, you are not required to wear any staff clothing on duty. However, if you already have a staff shirt, armband, badge, or other article of clothing that you wish to wear on duty, you are allowed to do so. However, we do have some requirements for these custom pieces of clothing:
The item of clothing must not have another server's name on it
The item of clothing must not say you are a rank that you are not (examples being if you are a mod, you cannot wear a shirt that says admin. If you are an admin, you cannot wear a shirt that says mod)
All articles of clothing must be approved by a moderation/administration supervisor
As a staff member, there are restrictions to what items you may have equipped. You may only have these items equipped:
Radar Gun
You may NOT have any weapons equipped.
Beginning a Shift
When you've chosen how you want to appear as a staff member in-game, and are ready to begin your shift, then first you must spawn a vehicle with the staff livery. Make sure to choose the car that fits your rank. Do NOT pick a car that says you are a higher rank than you actually are. It is acceptable for an admin to have a mod livery, an HR to have an admin livery, or a Directorate member to have any livery. After spawning your car, you must start your shift in the Discord server. Run the /shift manage command in #shifts. You are not allowed to start your shift in any other channel. After starting your shift in the Discord server, you may begin your patrol. Follow the guidelines below for patrolling:
Patrol across the map, and not just in one singular district
Patrol in a staff vehicle, and not on foot.
Riding along with other staff members is acceptable, however you must patrol in your own vehicle every once in a while.
If you must take a break, pull over to the side of the road and go on break in the Discord Server.
You must always be driving and may only pull to the side of the road to take a break, to log punishments, or to answer questions in the Discord server.
Mod Scenes
During your patrol, you will occasionally receive mod calls. These will appear embedded on your screen above your minimap, to the bottom left. To answer a mod call, first you need to type 'o/s' in the police radio. If you were the first one to send the message, you may get out of your car and click the alert. If you were not the first one to send the message, type 'd/r' in the police radio and resume your patrol. If someone teleported to your scene even though you were the first one to send the message, ignore and move on. A supervisor will deal with them.
If your mod scene involves someone breaking rules, and action is required, you should remain clear and concise with your punishments. Tell them that what they have done is in violation of our rules, and that they will be consequenced. Refrain from simple, vague messages such as "W1 | FRP", and instead move towards reforming them through a conversation. Direct the mod scene on the side of being a learning experience, rather than a punishment. After the mod scene ends, and you dismiss all members of the scene, use the command :tocar to teleport to your car. You must immediately log the punishment, even if there is another mod call pending. To log a punishment, run the /moderate command in #staff-commands.
After all punishments have been logged, you should go back on patrol. At this point in time, if there are still mod calls pending, you may repeat the steps above.
Hint Messages and Server Messages
As a moderator, you will be expected to send hint or server messages from time to time. Hint messages appear at the top of all players' screens, and they are used to discourage rule breaking, advertise businesses, and send general reminders. Server messages appear in the middle of everyone's screen, and they may only be cleared by pushing the OK button. This is used during STSs, when announcing SSDs, and when sending the code.
Server Hints appear like this.
Server Messages appear like this.
All moderators have permission to send pre-made hint messages and server messages, however custom hint messages and server messages must only be sent by Junior Admin+, or with the permission of Administrator+. Sending custom or unauthorized hint/server messages will result in disciplinary action. You do NOT need to send server/hint messages to announce going off duty, going off break, or starting a shift. Below are the hint and server messages that all staff members may use, within reason:
:h ⚠️ The Civilian team has too many players! Please disperse throughout other teams.
:h ⚠️ The Police team has too many players! Please disperse throughout other teams.
:h ⚠️ The Sheriff team has too many players! Please disperse throughout other teams.
:h ⚠️ The FD/EMS team has too many players! Please disperse throughout other teams.
:h 🚫 FRP is strictly prohibited. Please roleplay properly and realistically.
:h 🚫 Rushing is strictly prohibited. Say -cuffs- before cuffing, and roleplay other service actions.
:h 🚫 NLR is in place. If killed, please start a new life.
:m ⚠️ Please ensure you have a realistic avatar while roleplaying. Wings, floating items, and mythical weapons are prohibited.
:m ⚠️ Please remember to yield to all staff cars. If a staff car is signaling for you to pull over, please do so without hesitation.
The above messages should only be used when appropriate and should not be abused. Additionally, please allow for 5 minutes to pass between any kind of announcement. The only exception is the code.
The Code
The code is a frequent reminder to follow our rules and to join the Discord server. As a moderator, you have the flexibility to choose from 3 different code options.
:m 👋 Welcome to Ontario Provincial Roleplay! We are a Dizzy only server. You can join from the following code: r-b-H-g-r-N-b-9-x-8 (no dashes). We hope you enjoy your roleplay experience!
:m 👋 Greetings! This is Ontario Provincial Roleplay! We are a Dizzy only server. You can join from the following code: r-b-H-g-r-N-b-9-x-8 (no dashes). Have fun!
:m 👋 How's it going? You've landed at Ontario Provincial Roleplay! We are a Dizzy only server. You can join from the following code: r-b-H-g-r-N-b-9-x-8 (no dashes). Say !help for help and enjoy your stay!
Spice it up! Although the code messages can't be edited, you can randomly pick between the 3 options. It's your duty to send these messages, make sure you're sending them frequently! You should be sending the code every 20 minutes. You'll be pinged in the Discord server to be reminded.
Ending Your Shift
All good things must eventually come to a stop, and one of those is your mod shift. Once you're ready to end your shift, run the /shift manage command again and this time, click end.
Beware that once you've gone off duty, you may no longer run commands in-game, drive staff vehicles, or answer mod scenes. There's no cooldown between shifts.
After ending your shift, it is up to you whether or not you wish to continue roleplaying. Additionally, it is crucial that you remember to end your shift if you decide to leave the game afterwards. Failure to do so is called 'Shift Grinding', and it will result in a consequence.
Last updated