

This page will highlight different permissions that ranks receive.

As a staff member, you start out as a low rank. Over time, you will be promoted to higher ranks. This page will show all the permissions of each rank.


The menu below is called a Tab. You can flip between multiple tabs to receive different information.

Moderators receive minimal permissions, and often find themselves relying on higher ranks to make sure they are doing their job correctly, as to prepare themselves.

Head Moderator

Head moderators are a highly trusted moderator; they can send custom :m and :h messages without permission.

Senior Moderator

Senior moderators are a trusted moderator. They have the permission to accept :kick requests from Trial and Junior Moderators.


Moderators are at the middle of their department. They receive the ability to kick members without permission, and to ping for more moderators in-game.

Junior Moderator

Junior moderators are fresh out of training. They receive the ability to kick members with permission of Senior Moderator.

Cadet Moderator

Cadet moderators have yet to complete a training, and as such they have no authority in the server. Cadet moderators have not received their moderator rank in-game.

Last updated