Staff Rules


This page outlines the official rules for all staff members.

Rule 1, Respect

As a staff member, you should hold the utmost respect for both your co-workers and community members.

Rule 2, Command Abuse and Negligence

As a staff member, you should only use your commands when you must, and they should not be used to intentionally disrupt a roleplay.

Rule 3, Server Rules

As a staff member, you should be following all server rules properly, and they may be enforced more harshly than a regular community member.

Rule 4, Bias

As a staff member, you should be friendly towards your co-workers and friends. However, you shouldn't favor someone over the other in terms of moderating.

Rule 5, Spelling, Punctuation, and Grammar

As a staff member, you should be utilizing spelling, punctuation, and grammar in-game. This is optional in the Discord server; however, your English still needs to be intelligible.

Rule 6, Commands

As a staff member, you should be adhering to the following guidelines while using commands:

  • Having at least 3 characters of the user's username when moderating

  • Not using them to teleport or view people you have no reason to talk to

Rule 7, Professionalism

As a staff member, you should be as professional as you can. In-game, refrain from using abbreviations or acronyms such as lol, idk, imo, and others.

Rule 8, Driving Laws

As a staff member, you should be following all driving laws. This includes:

  • Using your turn signal

  • Not crossing a double solid line

  • Stopping at red lights and stop signs

  • Yielding to cars of which have the right of way

As a reminder, HR+ have the ability to use their own discretion when deciding consequences for breaking rules. These consequences may be found in Staff Punishments. Please note that if any staff member receives 5 points during their time as a staff member, they will be terminated.

Last updated